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Honeydressing by Mirian Pérez
Fecha: 26/ November/2014
Mirian Pérez is a beautiful Spanish woman, model and blogger, usually appears in the most important fashion magazines and events of Spain. Mirian Pérez has a small space (blog) in Elle Magazine entitled Honeydressing by Mirian Pérez where she shows different looks, sets successful following the latest fashion trends in the market.
Before, we told you about her because she appeared with one of the models of Natural World Eco. This week, we repeated situation because Mirian appears with the Basket Velvet 701 model in one of her recent blog post, shoe included in the 14/15 autumn winter collection. Honestly, we are delighted that influencers from the fashion world wear ecofriendly footwear made by Natural World Eco and show it to the rest of the audience and followers.
As always, thanks Mirian!
(Pics Via HoneyDressing by Mirian Pérez)