Calle Benidorm, 2 P1A
26580 Arnedo (La Rioja) Spain
(+34) 941 380 537
Natural World Eco is lucky for appear in different media the last few months, because of their good work and the success of products developed. Ecofriendly footwear which has been succeeded across media platforms, bloggers, social networking, etc.
Last week, the company went a step further and was present in a Spanish news channel telivision, particularly in "La Sexta".
For the second year, Natural World Eco continues with its ecofriendly footwear collection for the little ones, keeping the brand philosophy.
Natural World Eco was born with the illusion of its creators to develop comfortable, trend shoes, always respect with the environment through ecofriendly processes and materials. A proposal that is defining and reaching slowly but with more markets and buyers each time.