Calle Benidorm, 2 P1A
26580 Arnedo (La Rioja) Spain
(+34) 941 380 537
As you know, we are fortunate beacuse of a wide variety of public love our shoes, and, occasionally, they are celebs or famous people that use our product. Of course this element gives us full satisfaction, knowing that what we are making is apreciated by the personalities (at least in Spain).
Once again we move to Florence, Pitti Immagine Bimbo 79 children shoefair. One of the most important events in the international fashion scene for little kids.
We try, as far as possible, going to young and dynamic audience, who loves fashion and ecofriendly philosophy. Therefore, we are expanding our brand to different continents, knowing that this target is found in many worldwide cities.
For the second year, Natural World Eco continues with its ecofriendly footwear collection for the little ones, keeping the brand philosophy.