Calle Benidorm, 2 P1A
26580 Arnedo (La Rioja) Spain
(+34) 941 380 537
The days are getting shorter, the daylight hours begin to decrease and heat gradually dismissed. Autumn begins, but we love this because it means we launched the new collection of ecofriendly footwear.
Natural World Eco was in Las Vegas again at the fashion and footwear fair FN PLatform with many Spanish footwear companies.
Just arrived from our holidays, we are surprised with Raquel Sanchez Silva, famous Spanish television presenter, because of she were in the shop of Natural World Eco in Tarifa.
As you know, we launh in every season the shoe collections following the fashion trends of the moment and, why not, sometimes we create new trends with our own models. One of the protagonist of this summer has been the sole esparto combined with different materials.