"Spaniards Around the World"

Fecha: 09/ April/2015

As we said, there are several moments where Natural World Eco appears next to famous or recognized society characters. Journalists, football players, models, bloggers, many of them have worn our ecofriendly footwear.

In the latest edition of "Spaniards Around the World" we had the opportunity for dressing the reporters, they have to lead and report the documentaries about the lives of Spanish people who chose or were forced to emigrate to other countries. In the latest edition of the program, the protagonists wear again our shoes.

The last program ("Japón Ibérico") visited Japan, where we discovered the fever and passion for the Spanish culture and everything related with it.

We are happy to participate again in an initiative so similar with our philosophy, to be present in all parts of the world and bring our Spanish ecofriendly brand all over the planet.

(The following video is in Spanish language)


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