
molto comode e...non hai mai avuto un paio di scarpe così profumate!

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At Natural World Eco, we can't imagine our daily life without comfortable and flexible footwear. The Harmony sneakers are the trending men's sneakers for this season. These men's sneakers are soft and durable, available in various colors to match your wardrobe. The sustainable Harmony sneakers have been crafted using an environmentally-friendly production process. The upper is made from eco-friendly suede, and the sole is natural rubber, making them the perfect sporty sneakers for everyday wear. As part of our brand philosophy, these eco-friendly sneakers come in a recycled cardboard box, essential for those who want to make a positive contribution to the environment. If you’ve been searching for casual men’s sneakers, this model is undoubtedly the perfect choice. Choose your color and enjoy the comfort of sustainable Natural World footwear.

✓ Suede Leather

✓ Recycled Polyester Lining

✓ Recycled Thermo-Rubber Sole

✓ DO NOT wash in a washing machine

✓ Rub off with a slightly damp cloth and let to air dry

• For any other enquiry, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Customer Service

Si può utilizzare questo modello sia in estate che in inverno

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  • Le recensioni sono pubblicate e mantenute per un periodo di 5 anni.
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