Calle Benidorm, 2 P1A
26580 Arnedo (La Rioja) Spain
(+34) 941 380 537
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Prezzo di listino: 55,00 €
Special Price 36,00 €
At Natural World Eco we take care of every detail to achieve quality, comfort, ecological awareness and fashion in our footwear. The Apricot ballerinas for women have been designed for day to day, combining style and sustainability. Made 100% in Spain with ecological materials, these women's ballerinas are perfect for summer days for their design, comfort and freshness. The upper part of the Apricot women ballerinas is made of 100% organic cotton and the sole is made of natural rubber. As part of our brand philosophy, these women´s summer ballerinas come in a recycled cardboard box, something essential for those who want to contribute positively to the environment.
Prezzo di listino: 70,00 €
Special Price 49,00 €
Prezzo di listino: 49,00 €
Special Price 24,50 €
Natural World Eco shoes are the result of combining quality, comfort, ecological awareness and fashion. These women ecological espadrilles have been made for everyday use, a night out or simply to relax on a day off far away from the office. The upper part of the Old Larch espadrilles has been manufactured out of 100% organic cotton and the sole is made of jute which guarantees durability and comfort. The stylish and modern shape ensures an easy match with all kind of outfits. As part of our brand philosophy, these espadrilles come in a recycled cardboard box, something essential for those who want to contribute positively to the environment.
Prezzo di listino: 75,00 €
Special Price 52,50 €
Prezzo di listino: 45,00 €
Special Price 36,00 €
Prezzo di listino: 49,00 €
Special Price 37,00 €
At Natural World Eco we take care of every detail to achieve quality, comfort, ecological awareness and fashion in our footwear. These ecofriendly women´s boots have been made for everyday use, a night out or simply to relax on a day off far away from the office. The upper part of the Duna boots has been manufactured out of 100% organic cotton and the sole of 100% natural rubber which guarantees durability and comfort. The stylish and modern shape ensures an easy match with all your dresses and clothes. As part of our brand philosophy, these eco-friendly women's boots come in a recycled cardboard box, a must have for those who want to contribute positively to the environment.
Prezzo di listino: 49,00 €
Special Price 34,50 €
1-10 di 108
Vedi come Griglia Lista
On Natural World Eco outlet section you wll find 100% ecofriendly footwear for all the family. Find great discounts on a wide selection of models. Choose the ones you like and start enjoying our sustailable footwear, wide range not only of models, but also colors and prints. All our products have the "Green Trade World" certificate, which guarantees that during the manufacturing process of our products we do not use any harmful substance to the health of people.
Here on our online store we offer you ecological or vegan footwear of the best quality and at the best price. Lately, the fashion world has taken ecology very seriously, gradually moving towards an ecological manufacturing process, making garments and accesories with natural and durable materials.
In this manner, our offers section is the perfect excuse to get a pair of ecofriendly shoes from our extensive catalog. You will find offers on all types of footwear, such as safari boots, boat shoes, espadrilles or ballerinas among many others. If you are looking for shoes for women, men or children we have you covered. Be surprised by our prices and get inspired by Natural World Eco!
Senza sostanze dannose
per la salute
I nostri modelli di calzature rispettano la normativa e l´elenco disostanzepericoloserestrette(RSL) a livello europeo,riuscendoa ridurrel'uso di sostanze che causanodannialla salute umana e all'ecosistema.Questoavvieneintuttii processi di produzionedellecalzaturefino ad arrivare alprodotto finito.
100% organico
Le materie prime tessili che compongono le nostrecollezioni di calzaturedispongonodellaCertificazioneEcologicaTessile (GOTS), che garantisceedassicura la condizioneorganicadellefibretessili di cotoneed una produzionerispettosadell’ecosistema.
Imballaggio 100% riciclato
e riciclabile
Le scatoleutilizzate per contenere e distribuiretutti i nostrimodelli di calzaturesonoprodotte concartoneondulato 100% ricicicalto,che a sua volta,possonoriciclarsinellasuatotalità attraverso laraccoltadi rifiutidifferenziata.
Impegno con il
commercio etico
Responsabilità socialeattraversovalori e principi che ispiranoilnostrocomportamento. Nel corso di tutto lo sviluppodellanostraattività , lavoriamonelrispettodeidirittilavorativifondamentali delposto di lavoro in tutte le fasidellaproduzione,rispettandoilcodice di condottadel commercioetico (ETI).
Questa ecoetichette, assicura l´assenza di sostanze che causano danni alla salute umana e all'ecosistema tanto nei processi di produzione delle calzature che nel prodotto finito, nonchè l´imballagio con cartone 100% riciclato e riciclabile e la risponsabilità e l´impegno col commercio ético.
Per saperne di più.
Calle Benidorm, 2 P1A
26580 Arnedo (La Rioja) Spain
(+34) 941 380 537
(+34) 941 380 175
8:30 - 14:00 (CET/CEST)
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